Sant eller falskt?! Är Tokio Hotel's turne inställd?
Om jag ska vara ärlig så tror jag inte ett smack på de. Jag menar, visst Bill är sjuk men på Tokio Hotel does America står de att hela turnen är inställd, men det står INGENTING på Tokio Hotel's hemsida eller myspace.. Hmm.. mysko mysko. Men men, det är väl säkert ett vanligt rykte som vanligt.. sjukt irreterande!.
Här är artikeln från Tokio Hotel does America
Here?s google.
He completely sold-out European tour with concerts in Italy, Sweden, Slovenia, Serbia, Finland, Denmark, Norway and an appearance in Dortmund have to be cancelled.
?Bill was already early last week with an inflammation of the vocal cords in medical treatment,? says Tokyo Hotel ?producer and manager David Jost. ?A further investigation showed that on one of the vocal cords has formed a thickening, which prevents a recovery. The cyst has yet surgically removed this week. ?
How can such an ulcer?
?Most accrues a thickening of the vocal cords, a so-called Sängerknötchen through overuse of the voice,? says ENT physician Dr. Julia Vent from the University Hospital of Cologne. ?If a singer too loud or with the wrong pressure sings, can be a thickener. Buoyed when the vocal cords by an infection already attacked. A cyst on the larynx is a small, fluid-filled bubble. The surgery is done through the introduction of a tube through the mouth. Under the microscope, the cyst with tiny, sharp scissors out. ? More Star-News
After the operation must be a Bill several rehabilitation, long-term damage to the vocal cords to avoid.
Producer David Jost: ?We hope very much that the fans have to understand that Bill?s health to the fore.?
Men det står absolut ingenting om detta på eller på
Så med allt detta vill jag bara säga att allting låter helt jävla fuckat!
Jag kommer att posta en konvo mellan mig och en polare från msn från klockan 02.20 den 25 mars angående detta "ryktet" om det är sant eller falskt..
Här är artikeln från Tokio Hotel does America
Here?s google.
He completely sold-out European tour with concerts in Italy, Sweden, Slovenia, Serbia, Finland, Denmark, Norway and an appearance in Dortmund have to be cancelled.
?Bill was already early last week with an inflammation of the vocal cords in medical treatment,? says Tokyo Hotel ?producer and manager David Jost. ?A further investigation showed that on one of the vocal cords has formed a thickening, which prevents a recovery. The cyst has yet surgically removed this week. ?
How can such an ulcer?
?Most accrues a thickening of the vocal cords, a so-called Sängerknötchen through overuse of the voice,? says ENT physician Dr. Julia Vent from the University Hospital of Cologne. ?If a singer too loud or with the wrong pressure sings, can be a thickener. Buoyed when the vocal cords by an infection already attacked. A cyst on the larynx is a small, fluid-filled bubble. The surgery is done through the introduction of a tube through the mouth. Under the microscope, the cyst with tiny, sharp scissors out. ? More Star-News
After the operation must be a Bill several rehabilitation, long-term damage to the vocal cords to avoid.
Producer David Jost: ?We hope very much that the fans have to understand that Bill?s health to the fore.?
Men det står absolut ingenting om detta på eller på
Så med allt detta vill jag bara säga att allting låter helt jävla fuckat!
Jag kommer att posta en konvo mellan mig och en polare från msn från klockan 02.20 den 25 mars angående detta "ryktet" om det är sant eller falskt..
Postat av: alexandra
fan att allt ska bli såhär näre bara är en vecka kvar ungefär :/ , hoppas han blir frisk snart! =)
Postat av: Kelizzro
Jadu, tror också det är ett '' rykte ''.
Bill får ta & krya på sig! :)